Thursday, October 15, 2009

Let's Pray

From Donna Towns: Please pray for my Grandson Michael, he is 18 yrs. old. He suffered a severe back injury a couple of weeks before graduation. He is having an Epidural Cortisone injection at 2:45 today. then three later on. Please pray the injection works and relieves him of back pain. If this doesn't work then he will require surgery. I claim that in Jesus name. He is the healing Physician!!

Lets pray that this works and also for total healing for his body in the name Jesus.

1 comment:

*His Beloved* said...

I'm standing in with you Sister! Jesus took the stripes for your Grandson healing! I don't believe that anything the Lord does is in vain; his word will not return void! So you go ahead and claim that healing and let's praise the name of Jesus, for he is worthy to be praised! The Devil is a liar and when he comes with his doubt you just recognize it for what it is and take it straight to the throne of grace and praise him once again that by the Spirit of Adoption we have inherited the Kingdom; joint heirs with Christ! What GOOD things He has for his children!