Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Spirit

Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Today I will walk in the full freedom and liberty that is available to me in Christ. I will not back down from the enemy. I will not let fear rule my life. Death has no hold on me; I speak Life to dead situations that God wants raised from the dead.

Today I will not let the work that Jesus did for me be of no effect; I will walk in the fullness of my calling. I will face my enemy. I will accept the anointing Christ has given me to destroy the work of the enemy.

Today I will give Him praise for who He is. I will stand in the face of adversity and give a prophetic praise to my God. I will remember your wonders and your miracles, I will sing of them to everyone that I come into contact with today. You are the great I Am!

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