Thursday, October 22, 2009

Psalm 141:9

This was posted by Marsha Burns on October 21, 2009: I wanted to re post this for you because I think it is a time when the enemy is trying to deceive us through things that appear different than they really are. This is a great word from Marsha. Enjoy!

Things are not necessarily as they seem. You must walk the narrow line of truth to avoid deception. Venture forth cautiously and without haste. Proceed with your eyes wide open and your ears attuned to My Spirit. Be aware; be one with Me, says the Lord, for I will direct you and keep you from the snares of the enemy and from hidden dangers. Trust Me to lead you in the way of truth and righteousness.

Psalms 141:9 Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, And from the traps of the workers of iniquity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a timely word! Oh, how the enemy is on the move!
One way I believe the Lord has been showing/telling me to be aware of the deception and traps is to recognize when the enemy is causing a diversion. He is trying every and anything to cause distraction to keep us from moving forward with God. His time is running out and he doesn't like it! It's war time!! We must fight for undistracted devotion, and I mean FIGHT! We better get our game face on and make sure we're fully equiped for this battle! "...He who endureth to the end shall be saved..."