Thursday, May 14, 2009

Read Numbers 14:11-44

As Kim and I read through Numbers 14:11-44 last night, I focused in on the fact that the people rejected God's miraculous signs and also the voice of His servant Moses. They clearly rejected God and Moses by dismissing the signs that He had done among them. Once you read through this passage of scriptures you will see God's response to the rebellion of the people (the faithless complainers, not the young ones) which was to die in the wilderness before they could enter the promise land, and the immediate death from plagues to the ten weak spies.

That is not what I want to focus our attention on. Can you imagine the disappointment Moses must have felt, the people God called him to lead has now greatly displeased God. They saw all those amazing signs and wonders but could not grasp the real truth; with God they could do all things and they could have the promised land. As a leader, you will be tested in this at some point. Moses was able to make it through this tough time because he had 20/20 vision.

You too can make it through those times when it seems that it is not going as planned. A big part of 20/20 vision is having a strong relationship with God. Moses and God spoke regularly which in turn gave Moses the strength and confidence he needed to continue to lead the people in this time of rebellion. With that said, what I want you to see is, for you to have 20/20 vision you must be in direct contact with the Father. You will come up against great obstacles and God will lead you through them but you have to hear the fresh revelation (vision) directly from Him, and then have the courage to follow through with what He is saying. That comes from spending time in His presence and learning His voice. Place your hope and trust in God and follow His voice, He will not lead you the down the wrong path.


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