Tuesday, May 12, 2009



Then the LORD answered me and said: “ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. Habakkuk 2:2
It has become very clear to me that we are in a time of blurriness. Our sight is not clear, it's foggy. The enemy wants us blind, confused, not able to see clearly. For us to be successful at work, at home with family, or in ministry, we must be able to see clearly. Over the next few days we will discuss what it takes to see clearly.

In Christ


Anonymous said...

Oh yes! No dout, the enemy is working viciously right now! DISTRACTION is a big hinderence! I believe it's because his "elect" are on the verge of a breakthrough. Praise the Lord; we need it!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, we are on the verge of a breakthrough! Keep praying and fasting. May the Word of the Lord run swiftly through the church. Release power on the spoken word, stretch out your hand, now on this land.

Brittany G. said...

VISION!! "Where there is no vision, the people perish..." Proverbs 29:18
This should be enough said! We need to know where we are going. What are we striving towards? We need to make sure that the ministries we are involved in and the affiliations that we have line up with the vision God's given to us. If at any point we begin to lose the vision we must seek God through prayer, study and fasting for revelation, that we might not perish, turn back.