Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Pursuit Of Excellence

Daniel 6

Darius reorganized his kingdom. He appointed one hundred twenty governors to administer all the parts of his realm. Over them were three vice-regents, one of whom was Daniel. The governors reported to the vice-regents, who made sure that everything was in order for the king. But Daniel, brimming with spirit and intelligence, so completely outclassed the other vice-regents and governors that the king decided to put him in charge of the whole kingdom. Daniel 6:1-3 The Message

In the previous chapter of Daniel, King Belshazzar was slain and Darius became the king. Darius decided to reorganize his kingdom. That was expected because most leaders that come in to that type of situation, where they take over from a previous administration, will have to make changes to people in the existing administration. Darius placed people that would be loyal to him and that had the same vision as he did so that unity prevails.

I really want to focus on Daniel. He served Belshazzar's father as the chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldean's, and soothsayers. Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas was found in him. Today, they would say Daniel was involved with witchcraft, but we will talk about that subject later. Once he interpreted Belshazzar's writing on the wall, he placed Daniel third in charge of his kingdom which ended that night.

When Darius became king, he kept Daniel in that position, Why? Because he had a spirit of excellence upon him. Look what the NKJ says in Daniel 6:3; Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.

That's what I want to pray over you today, that you would have a spirit of excellence upon you which will give you favor in the land. Lord place an excellent spirit within them right now, I speak life to excellence in them today, I say they will have an excellent spirit in them. I bind up confusion in their hearts and speak clarity to their life. I speak confusion to mediocrity, mediocrity will not reign in our life, mediocrity will not have unity or vision in our lives and it will die because of confusion causing it to loose footing and lack of communication. We will walk in a spirit of excellence today, In Jesus Christ Name.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, I stand amaazed! I love how my Lord confirms himself to me! When I told my Pastor of my praise report lastweek, he said that he was reminded of Daniel; these same scripures that you quoted :)Also, a girl from church lastweek told me twice that she can see how the Lord has instilled in me a "spirit of excellence". It's awesome when you know you've heard the voice of the Lord. "He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church"