Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The peach will drop tonight as the clock strikes twelve and God is saying it is going to be a great year in 2009. To those who are in pursuit of God,its going to be a fabulous year full of signs and wonders.
Jesus asked would He find any faith when He returned. Well I have to tell you at The Church at Covington we are practicing our faith daily. We have decided to bring up praise, worship, and petitions to the most high God daily. We have a group of dedicated individuals that have decided to follow after the key of King David and we believe 2009 is going to be full of the awesome presence of God. We are after the one thing. One thing we desire of the Lord, That will we seek: That we may dwell in the house of the Lord forever, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple. Below is an excerpt of Prophet Kim Clement prophecy on December 14th 2008.
Because He has said tonight I speak of keys, the key of David that has been given to a generation. It has already been granted and sent forth. To do what? To unlock the mysteries of the holy Scriptures, to unlock and unveil the mysteries that Daniel spoke about, that John on the Isle of Patmos spoke about. These mysteries are about to be revealed to bring great treasures into the kingdom of God and into the earth, says the Lord Most High. The key of David to unlock that which has been kept back from mankind, God said, tonight I desire to hear the sound of surrender from my people, and if you would do that, not only you but the thousands that are watching and will watch, this prophet is telling you: That God wants you to enter into the New Year shaking off every past throttle, every past stronghold, shake it off, so that you may enter into a time of festivity. For God says in 2009 it shall be known as a year of festivities. Why? Because I'm setting a table before you, I'm setting a table before your enemies, I'm setting a table that you will eat from. And God says in the presence of your enemies I will set a table for you to feast on and they shall say "it has not been as the prognosticators have said, but we have prospered and we have entered in with victory and vigor!"
I believe as Kim that 2009 is going to be full of those kind of stories and you will hear them say; "This has never happened before". We will see miracles happen from finances to diseases being healed. Its going to be a time of festivities lead by the people that have entered into His presence and live on the fullness of Him. Go today and shake off the past and get ready for your bright future.
In Jesus name

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