Thursday, December 4, 2008


Jesus would arise early in the morning and go somewhere to pray. He would also separate Himself from the crowds during the day to pray. Even though Jesus was the Son of God, the word that became flesh and dwelt among us, the one who walked in the full power of the Almighty, even though He was all of this He still had to get away and pray. Does this raise any thoughts in your mind that this could be very crucial to a successful journey with the Lord.

I truly believe the bigger your task is in life the more you need to pray. The amount of time you spend in prayer should equal to the amount of responsibility you have at a minimum. This is one way you can strengthen your spirit so that you can stand strong and mighty in the Lord.

I also believe God is calling His people back to a house of worship and prayer. In today's economy and other challenges we face in the world it is vital you have a strong prayer life. I know some how, some way, everything will work out for our good. His word says the righteous have never been forsaken or his seed begging for bread. Its all good.

Do you feel like you are loosing the battle? Pray! Do you feel you are loosing control of your kids? Pray! Is your family falling apart? Pray! Is your business or the company you work for loosing money? Pray! Pray! Pray!

Follow the example of Jesus. If He needed to pray, how much more do we need to pray? Just commit to it. Just do it.

Be Blessed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay God, I get the point...Once again, I come as a witness. God already spoke this word to me before I read the blog. This is so true and a word we should all heed to! I love confirmation! Obedience and discipline is vital for the level the Lord desires to take us to. I wanna go, how about you??? Test me, try me and prove me worthy, Lord!!!