Monday, December 29, 2008

The Cost

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody. Herbert Swope

It is important to follow your heart. Jesus said before you make any venture you must count the cost. One thing you must consider is if you can overcome the opinions of other people. You must know your Fathers voice and be able to stand behind the decisions you make. If the Lord is giving you direction, then make the move and count on Him.

Be Blessed


Anonymous said...

I am on the verge of making a BIG decision and this helps to put things into perspective. I know that the world wont understand, but only my brothers and sisters in Christ. Regardless of what they say, I know that I'll have the favor of the Lord and that he will continue to reward me as I diligently seek him. What do you think Jesus meant by "count the cost"? Do you think that he was saying not to get into the situation if you can't handle it or was he just saying to be aware of what to expect?

Anonymous said...

He was saying both. Before you get involved with anything you must know if you have what it takes and if not to stay clear of it altogether. You need to now what it is going to take to finish what you started. By knowing the inside and out of what it is you are thinking about doing, allows you to evaluate the situation, and determine how long it will take to accomplish, how much finances are needed, the knowledge you need, and if your personality will allow you to endure until the task is achieved. Once you start something you will always have good and bad times and if you have counted the cost you will be able to stand during the storms and finish the course.