Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ecclesiastes 3:1

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven."

Today I will stand up and proclaim that "this is my season".

This is my season to:

  • Love the unlovable.

  • Reach the unreachable.

  • Walk in confidence.

  • Live in prosperity.

  • Shine in darkness.

  • Walk in the fullness of God.

Today I will speak good and positive things over my life and everyone that is connected to me. I will guard my tongue from speaking negative things because I know that life and death are in the power of the tongue. "Today I will choose life."

This season we are in is almost over. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. God is saying "today" endure, this leg of the race is almost over and we will be propelled into the next one. We have been conditioned for this race and we will win.

Be Blessed Today!


Anonymous said...

I love this one too. It is my day to speak life into me, my family and everyone connected to me.

Praise God for His word...I need it everyday!

Love you,

Brittany G. said...

Oh how I needed that word of encouragment! I'm getting tired as we approach the end of this season and am ready for the "new"; though it has been an amazing time of preparation! There is much diversion from the enemy as the Lord begins to shift; we must stand firm and not grow weary! Pray, pray, pray!!!