Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Praise Part 2

I have always loved to praise & worship the Lord. I knew it was important to my well being, and God loves it. I must admit though, until this week I really didn’t realize how important it is. David was the King of Israel, a very important leader, and he placed praise and worship as a priority in his & his people’s life. David commanded that the Ark of the Covenant be brought up on the shoulders of the Levites amidst the sound of songs and musical instruments to his new capital, Jerusalem. There he had it placed in a tent and appointed two-hundred and eighty-eight prophetic singers and four thousand musicians to minister before the Lord, “to make petition, to give thanks and to praise the Lord” day and night (1 Chronicles 15–17). David separated the musicians for worshiping God continually, 24-7. That was what they did every day, day after day. They ministered, made petitions, gave thanks, and praise to the Lord, the God of Israel. I think they took praise and worship very serious. They set the atmosphere for miracles, it was charged with Gods presence because He said He dwells in the praises of His people. They did nothing before they consulted the Lord with petitions, praise, and adoration. David and the army commanders chose the 288 prophetic musicians, 12 per one hour watch; this provided the connection between ministry and military victory (1 Chronicles 25). Do you consult the Lord about things in your Life? Have you set the atmosphere for miracles? David thought it was so important for his success he implemented it continually, 24-7. You should consider the pattern or path that David took. As the saying goes you do not go to someone who is lazy and unsuccessful to show you how to be successful. Do not overlook the power of praise and worship. It is more important than we all realize.

In Christ

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