Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some Things Take Time

It seems that a majority of Christians believe once they get a word from God it will happen instantly. You know, like making a cup of instant coffee, or popping something into the microwave. We want it and we want it now. So when it doesn’t happen instantly we start questioning it, doubting it, our faith waivers and in some cases we totally give up on the promises of God.

Let’s look at Psalms 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

We quote this scripture and shout for joy then expect the promise to be done overnight. Now there is an exception to the rule; miracles do happen. But in the majority of the circumstances, it takes time. That is what this passage is referring to. We tend to focus on “whatever he does shall prosper”. So if we prosper in all things it must be instantly. That is what our society tells is. Not so fast. As we look at a mature tree, we see how majestic and powerful it is. It took years for that tree to get to that status. It withstood many storms, many droughts, but it is still standing. That is what this scripture is referring to. Put your trust in God; fully bask in His presence day and night. When the storms and droughts come your way, your roots will have grown deep into the word because you are constantly feeding yourself with the word of God, day and night. Your occupation will not wither and you will produce your fruit in due season and you will prosper. It takes time to become a majestic tree. Stay in the word of God and you can make it to that final Destination.

In Christ

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