Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ecclesiastes 3:1

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven."

Today I will stand up and proclaim that "this is my season".

This is my season to:

  • Love the unlovable.

  • Reach the unreachable.

  • Walk in confidence.

  • Live in prosperity.

  • Shine in darkness.

  • Walk in the fullness of God.

Today I will speak good and positive things over my life and everyone that is connected to me. I will guard my tongue from speaking negative things because I know that life and death are in the power of the tongue. "Today I will choose life."

This season we are in is almost over. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. God is saying "today" endure, this leg of the race is almost over and we will be propelled into the next one. We have been conditioned for this race and we will win.

Be Blessed Today!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Matthew 5:14-16 (The Message)

"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.

Today I will let my light shine into this world. I realize I am not the light but a reflection of the true light, and my job is to shine bright and bring out the God-colors in this world.

Today I will not be ashamed of the Gospel, I will not try to hide who I am in Christ. I will walk tall and be proud of who God made me to be. Everything I need to be able to stand on that lamp stand, He has already placed in me. I will stand boldly on that hill He places me and shine!

Today I will make God connections and be generous with my life so they may give my Father in heaven all the glory.

Be Blessed Today

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Word From The Lord

The Lord gave me a word three weeks ago that was right on time from Chuck Pierce. Today Chuck Peirce has sent out another word that I think I am supposed to share with everyone. June is going to be a very special month for the obedient ones in Christ. We are going to see some amazing things this month. We are moving into a new season that God showed us in our dreams and visions. Are you ready to step out in faith? Enjoy and feast on the word of the Lord.

"I AM OPENING YOUR WAY: New Wars for New Blessings!"
Dear Radiant Ones:

You might want to print the following word from the Lord. I would encourage you to read it each day for a week. I believe the Lord is really attempting to encourage us with this revelation.
On a previous Sunday, I saw sovereign openings and opportunities coming to God's people. However, I saw many leaning on their own understanding and mixing in their own desires, which brought leanness in their souls. I then heard the Lord say:
"I am opening up a way for you. I'm causing that which was closed yesterday to be opened today. Watch carefully for your opening! You won't see all that I have for you in the beginning, but I am calling you to the other side. You must go through the opening when you see it form before you. You must make a move to go through! I have brought you to this hard place to make a move of faith. Today is your day of salvation. Move by faith and I will change the complexion of the other side where I'm sending you.

"We must work together at this time. I've been working to get the place open for you to go through, so step through and I will come and meet you on the other side. I sent the disciples forth at the right time and said, 'You cross over.' Then I came out on the water and walked to the boat. Today I say to you, 'You make the move and I'll meet you in days ahead, even in the times that seem rugged.'

"Watch for the sovereign opening that I am creating on your behalf. Be ready. Don't make a list of what you are looking for on the other side. Just step through the opening! Your present demands are hindering the development of your future. Step through by faith! You are waiting in your own strength. Step out and mount up when I send the wind. Even adverse winds can cause you to rise through and into new places of victory.
I AM not working to give you strength for where you've been. I AM working to give you strength to step through and into a place that you cannot understand. Let My place open up, and step through into it. You will be offered an opportunity."
"You Are Becoming My Weapon for Days Ahead"

"Some of you are trying to stay in the old war you've been in instead of hunting for your next war to get into. You're trying to make sure you are healed up from the wounds of the old war instead of taking all that junk you learned in the last one and say, 'Let it become my weapon in the future!' Make a shift! Make a shift! Make a shift! For you are becoming My weapon for days ahead.
"Quit looking at the wars behind and start looking at what is ahead of you. Do not be afraid of the war ahead. Most of you will not be going back the way you've come. You keep trying to find your way back even when I am saying step through and into. When the way opens up, step through it. Don't worry about going back.
"Many have even warred on the wrong side of My plan in the past season, but I am going to breathe on you and you will be transformed. Go through and into the new. You will forget the errors of the past and allegiance to the wrong side, and immediately find yourself on the correct side.
"You are anticipating the war ahead and it is creating a fear within you. What you have been through has already built within you the ability to go in and gain My victory. You are watching the resources on this side but you have not stepped into that which I have in days ahead. I will give you eyes to see how to take one and make a hundred, but I'm going to use different skills in you and I'm going to be creative with things that I have stored up.
"So step through! You are calculating with what you know you have, but I will multiply you with what you do not yet know of when you step through."
"I Have Made Your Wounds From the Last Season Your Battle Ax for the Next Season"
"The evil eye has been stalking you in the last season. My eye will be guiding you as you go forth into this new season. Your wounds from the last season are causing you to stop short of the best I have ahead for you. These wounds are stopping you from warring for your promises in the new season. I have made your wounds from the last season your battle ax for the next season. You go and I will subdue! You go through and I will subdue! This is a redeeming window.
"I am going to buy back all of what you did wrong. I am going to buy back where you've been held captive. I am going to open up a way, and when you step through you'll be hidden even from that past mess you were in. What is ahead might not be pretty or seem glorious in the beginning, but take advantage of this new opportunity and you can create the glory in the realm that I am calling you to experience.
"You've been marching in one army but I am transferring you to another. You've been marching to one beat and one drum but I am bringing a different sound and saying, 'Now MARCH!' Make your shift, and when you see the opening, go! You will be marching in a new way and I will set the course for your victory.
"I will be with you to open up supply. Let go of the supply storages from the past season that had to be sacrificed. Nothing that was sacrificed by a heart set on Me will be lost. Let go and watch a new plan for your storehouse arise. March on! New supply is on your road ahead."
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries

Restoration Is In The Covenant!

Restoration: replace; renew; revive; return.

Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

Today I will give the Lord thanks because He restores my soul daily as needed. Today is a new day, full of new possibilities, full of new adventures. I get a fresh start today.
Today He restores broken hearts. I will give Him thanks that I am able to start this day with a new heart. I will forget about the past heart breaks and heart aches. The Lord has restored my heart today.

Today I will forgive quickly, and because He has restored my heart, I will have words of restoration for someone else.
Today He restores finances. This is a new day and I will rejoice and be happy in it. I will cast down that poverty mentality and realize he has given me the power to get wealth so that He may establish His covenant with me.
Today God is restoring all things for His servants, He is reviving that desire to please Him, He is causing me to return to my first Love, He is causing me to remember the power of the cross.

Today I will walk in restoration because He has restored my soul.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Matthew 5:13

"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you loose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
The Message

Today I will recognize why I am here. I will be a positive contribution to society. I will build up my faith in God and recognize I must have a good self esteem in order to be able to positively season someone's life.

Today I will be the salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors in someone's life. I will choose the high road today and answer wrath with a soft, kind word.

Today I will not loose my saltiness. I will realize that the harsh elements that come against me are not designed to destroy me but "leach out" the pure salt that is within me, and through that revelation, I will be able to coat others pathways.

Today I will be determined not to loose my saltiness. I am useful to God and His kingdom. I will not be thrown into the garbage but will be preserved by the "Most High God". I will renew my mind by the washing of the Word and build up myself by praying in the Spirit.

Today I am pure salt and good for seasoning!

In Christ