Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hey, I am back. Sorry for the delay. All I can say is wow! It is really a strange and trying time we are living in, which brings me to my point today. You must not cease praying. Even if you do not see the result instantly, if you believe it in your heart it will come to pass.

What a lot of us forget is there are wars going on. No, not man wars, but spiritual wars in the heavens. Ephesians tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (6:12). I think the fight is stronger at this point in time than ever before. So do not think it strange these fiery trials you are going through. You must stand and put on your amour on and go to the battle field and kick some devil butt. Remember your help is on the way.

I must tell you that the enemy opposes your prayers. This is evident in the Book of Daniel. Daniel was a praying man. He prayed at least three times a day, that is because he new where his power came from.

In Daniel 9:19 We see Daniel in continued prayer, and he has gotten more passionate with his supplication to the Lord. He prays: O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”

As Daniel continued in prayer, God sent the angel Gabriel to visit him. Gabriel then reveals the way the enemy opposes the prayer's you offer up to the Lord.

Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. NKJ Daniel 10:12-13

I want you to understand they prayer you prayed yesterday may be on the way. You may, as Daniel, will have to fast and continue to pray for 21 days or until your answer arrives. That even means if it takes a month, two months or a year. Never quit, never give up. Fight the good fight of faith. You are victorious in Christ.

In Christ


Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for posting this message. This is so true, just recently a prayer was answered that I had prayed about several months ago. We have to have faith when we pray and know that in God's timing it will come to pass. It's all about God's plan not ours. I truly enjoy your messages, thanks for being so dedicated with this ministry. It's so refreshing to receive a word each day from your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pam,
Sometimes in can be very tough to wait on the Lord and continue in prayer when in the natural you do not see any results. Those who wait on the Lord, He shall renew their strength. I will remain focused and continue to pray.

Your words are very encouraging to me!

Anonymous said...

This is an on-time word, because many of God's children have been oppressed; in the valley. We just have to know that he will never leave us or forsaken us. All things happen in accordance to the counsel of his own will. If we are going through a tough time that we don't understand it's because he is teaching, training, working all things to the good. Praise him in the storm! Don't turn away when it gets bad; that's conditional faith, not what God is looking for.

Anonymous said...

I want you to understand they prayer you prayed yesterday may be on the way. You may, as Daniel, will have to fast and continue to pray for 21 days or until your answer arrives. That even means if it takes a month, two months or a year. Never quit, never give up. Fight the good fight of faith. You are victorious in Christ.
Really? Do you really believe that and follow through in your own life? It must be great.

Pastor J said...

It depends on what you are asking. Do I fast and believe in fasting? Yes! Have I fasted until the answer arrived as Daniel? No, the longest I have ever fasted for is 5days. If I am waiting on an answered prayer and it takes a month, two months or a year would I ever quit, give up, still fight the good fight of faith? You know, I would like to say yes, but I have succeeded and failed in this in times past and probably will in the future. Does this mean Gods word doesn’t work? God forbid. His word still works even if I fall flat on my face. A just man may fall time after time, but he gets back up again. That’s why it is called a fight, it’s not always easy, and thank God for Jesus. He is the one that makes it possible to be victorious in the first place. With Jesus all things are possible, without Him I could do nothing worth anything.

So the answerer is yes. I might fall short at times but I always know God is going to see me through. Even if it looks like it is impossible, He always makes a way. I might not follow through in the way you are referring, because I do not know what paradigm you are looking through. And to say it must be great, well, at times yes but it is a fight, and sometimes it is very difficult. But it is great when the Lord shows up in a mighty way, when I think I can’t go any further He covers me with His mighty power, strengthens me, and sends me on my way once again. You are victories through Christ. I hope this has answered your question.

Be Blessed