Friday, March 27, 2009


Today, pick up the phone and call all of your friends and tell them how much they mean to you, that you love them and are praying for them. Do not take anything for granted. A flower is here one day and gone the next, so spend your time wisely, and enjoy your friends and your life. Make the most out of every moment that you have. How about getting before the Lord today and tell Him how much you love Him, and you could not make it without Him, share your heart with Him. He would love to "hear" your thoughts and ideas. He might even share His with you!

Also I would like all of us to pray for Pam & Steve today; They have 15 High school girls coming to their house for the weekend. They are hosting “Disciple Now” in their home. We want to pray that God will reveal himself to each of them in a special way. They are meeting at the church for group sessions and back at the host home for small meetings and some fun time. I want the Lord to build confidence in these girls (future Women of God). I am talking about the type of confidence that will take them successfully into womanhood, where boys and men cant mislead them and they will not fall for tricks from the enemy. They will know who they are in Christ and that the Father loves them very much.

I love all of you!
In Christ


Anonymous said...

Aww...We love you too! Please also remember to pray for the group of young adults meeting tonight (Simple). God is doing great things through this fellowship; the walls are coming down!! Praise be to the Lord!

Anonymous said...

We will!