Saturday, February 14, 2009

Prophecy From 2/13/09

Just don't give up, I hear Him Saying
Just don't give in, keep on seeking
Just don't give up, keep on believing
Just don't give in, keep on seeking
And He will answer you!
Just don't give up, keep on believing
Just don't give in, keep on seeking
Just don't give up, keep on asking
Just don't give in, keep on believing
Just don't give up, keep on seeking
And you will find it, it's only a matter of time!
Misty Edwards


Anonymous said...

Im a big fan of Misty Edwards lyrics they are indeed very moving indeed.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are a Misty fan, I am as well. I love to hear her worship the Lord. Do you ever watch them on the Internet at


Master propet said...

This is a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! I hope to read more of your post which is very informative and useful to all the readers. I salute writers like you for doing a great job!

Bernard Jordan Master Prophet E. bernard Jordan