Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, And tell of all Your wondrous works.
Psalm 26:7

Therefore I will give thanks to You, O LORD, among the Gentiles, And sing praises to Your name. Psalm 18:49

Sing praise to the LORD, you saints of His,And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name. Psalm 30:4

To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever. Psalm 30:12

Offer to God thanksgiving, And pay your vows to the Most High. Psalm 50:14

I will praise the name of God with a song,And will magnify Him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30

We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks!For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near. Psalm 75:1

So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture,Will give You thanks forever; We will show forth Your praise to all generations. Psalm 79:13

It is good to give thanks to the LORD,And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; 92:1

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. Psalm 95:2

Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous,And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name. Psalm 97:12

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. Psalm 100:4

Oh, give thanks to the LORD!Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Psalm 105:1

Praise the LORD!Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1

Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness,And for His wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:8

Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving,And declare His works with rejoicing. Psalm 107:22

I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving,And will call upon the name of the LORD. Psalm 116:17

At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You,Because of Your righteous judgments. Psalm 119:62

Oh, give thanks to the God of gods!For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:2

Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords!For His mercy endures forever: Psalm 136:2

Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven!For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:26

Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name;The upright shall dwell in Your presence. Psalm 140:13

Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;Sing praises on the harp to our God. Psalm 147:7

Today, give thanks for you family, your job, your health, your wealth, your life and your Messiah.

Have a Blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.

In Christ


Anonymous said...

Great words of thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

John, Thank you for the wonderful trip through the Psalms. It touched my soul and lifted up my spirit. May God bless you and your wonderful family with a great day of Thanksgiving.

Harry Allen