Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Question

I am reading a new book (The Power of His Resurrection) by T. Austin Sparks and he made a fascinating statement about having a call over your life. I want to post this for encouragement for those who are having a tough time right now!

All that we are left with is: "The Lord has called me; I know that in my heart. The Lord has led me this way. The Lord has caused me to take this step that I have taken. I have burned my bridges; I have cut all my ties; I have stepped out on the Lord. Now, although I have done that, the Lord is testing me, seeming to give me very little confirmation and encouragement, and the Lord's representatives -officially- are by no means helpful: 'Nevertheless I stand to it, I am going on with God.'"

Will you go on with God? That is my question to you!

Job 23:10-11

"But he knows where I am and what I've done. He can cross-examine me all he wants, and I'll pass the test with honors. I've followed him closely, my feet in his footprints, not once swerving from his way. I've obeyed every word he's spoken, and not just obeyed his advice—I've treasured it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Private Audience

I sing to God, the Praise-Lofty, and find myself safe and saved.
The hangman's noose was tight at my throat; devil waters rushed over me. Hell's ropes cinched me tight; death traps barred every exit. A hostile world! I call to God, I cry to God to help me. From his palace he hears my call; my cry brings me right into his presence—a private audience! Psalm 18 3-6 The message

Your cry has brought you before the Lord today. Do you realize you have private audience with Him, just you and God. There is no one to interrupt or distract you from Him, direct communication between you and God. Now that you have His attention, make your request know to Him. He is listening to you so plead your case with confidence and you will find yourself safe.
